الخميس، 31 يناير 2013

The Star by Emad A. Ghani

She was a star on summer's night
dancing to rhythm of the darkness
My heart was stolen by her light
Drowned him in lovers' madness
Clouds came obscuring the sight
Hid her with a shadow of sadness
The storm traveled and stole her bright
Left the dying heart hopeless

الأحد، 27 يناير 2013

الجمعة، 25 يناير 2013

In our lives we meet many people, some of them become forgettable Memories in our minds, others become unforgettable feelings in our hearts.

By Emad A. Ghani

الخميس، 24 يناير 2013

الثلاثاء، 22 يناير 2013

The truth that we cannot hide, we have two personalities, personality lives with what we have and does not appreciate it and personality always appreciates and wants what we do not have.

By Emad A. Ghani
Between Right and Wrong we lie chained by our interests.

By Emad A. Ghani
A heart without feelings inhabits a body without soul.

By Emad A. Ghani
Think twice before you.....
Lose the happiness you have
Create the circumstances you will blame
Choose the way you will never walk 

By Emad A. Ghani
Mostly we think we cry over someone who left us, in fact we cry over the events and the moments we spent with him/her.

By Emad A. Ghani
Don't ask me about what I love or what I hate, because the answer is already known.

By Emaad A. Ghani
I live between heaven and hell by Emad A. Ghani

I live between heaven and hell
Stand there since a long time 
A dead body without will 
A soul sings songs without rhyme 
Paradise calls my right to its garden
Fire pulls my left into its line
But I am in a city which is forbidden
And the choice will never be mine
In the end, I realised that you were a dream created by my imagination and stolen by reality.

By Emad A. Ghani

الجمعة، 18 يناير 2013

I traveled for years by Emad A. Ghani

I traveled for years

Through your eyes

Sailed with no fears

Under the dark skies

In the mysterious sea

Winds took my soul away

Waves lost love, you and me

No words the storm left to say

I will find a new, beautiful land

Where Birds will hold hope through rain

Together we will Build my ship on sands

But I will never sail in your sea again